MCO 2.0 – A day with some scripts. A day with some research. A day inspired by an author of Reflections of an Entrepreneur!
Reflecting the MCO 1.0 in March 2020, I was again at the lowest time and struggled hard to stand up. Took the first two weeks hiding in the room, not opening up to read emails, SMS etc. I almost jumped down to end my own journey.
Today I started early routinely as usual at 4.30 am, prepared my draft for an online World Education Conference organised by The Policy Times, India. Then was inspired by one of the Malaysian loving citizens, a humble video presentation of his 16th book – Reflections of an Entrepreneur. Zoom call with motivated education partners in China on what’s left for higher education in Malaysia. Posted assignment to my IEMBA learners on the next module – Developing Executive People Skills. Relook at my first draft of my first book and decided to continue Part 2’s writing. Commented on social media how we can do better once and for all to flatten the Pandemic and not 2-week + 2-week + 2-week to exponential growth!
Indeed I may have grown 1-cm taller today by just sitting at home over various cups of favourite black coffee and then a takeaway bubble tea send to my doorstep. But definitely, I am more calm and sound as I am continuously been inspired by many of you, entrepreneurs and professionals, balancing positive expectations with gloomy harsh realities ahead. We are destined to fight on and let’s hold each others’ hand when we stretch out! Lend us your shoulders again when we need it most! Where there are lives there is HOPE!
Let’s try to understand what George Bernard Shaw was trying to convey; “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.“